Tare Talks: “The Players Call Me Igli”

Lazio’s Igli Tare recently made an interview on Albanian TV Digitalb regarding his way to becoming a Sporting Director, his time as a football player, and also about his personal life:


Did you face any skepticism when you started your career as a sporting director?

“No skepticism, but the people were justly dubious because my curriculum had no such experiences. Nobody expected it, so it was legitimate for many to ask questions when they announced my new role as Sporting Director”.

The first goal you wanted to achieve?

“The best moment was when I announced my new role as Sporting Director for Lazio in Albania after I ended my career… Many asked themselves: “How is it possible that he will become a sporting director?”. For me it was very simple, because my career has always been full of challenges since I was at Partizani, because I am the son of Isa Tare. Whatever happened to me was about my father, according to them. Once I went abroad, the challenge was against me”.

Did your father’s name “weigh” on your achievements?

“More than others, because for me it has always been an honor, with his education he has transmitted to me and to my brothers the value of sacrifice, which later in my career has become the key to my success”.

What do you miss most about playing football?

“They are two different worlds. The player lives in an unreal world, and it is the most beautiful profession. I talk a lot with the players now, as if I were part of them. They must make mistakes to understand how they can correct themselves”.

On maturity:

“I reached maturity in the transition from player to manager. I was a very impulsive striker, I became a very thoughtful director. I have so much optimism in the negative moments: when everybidey else is resigned, I keep calm and I believe that things can still be changed. This aspect has often been decisive. The players tell me that I have a lot of personality, and the thought that everything can be achieved is the key to my success”..

About the Formello Training ground:

“In Formello I’m usually in my office, because the intimacy of the dressing room is sacred to the players, it instead happens in the corridors and in the massage room to gather information, understand the mood of the players and guess who needs a talk with me, I can perceive a lot at a glance”.

What do the players call you?

“Igli. I never wanted them to call me director, because I always wanted to establish a friendly relationship. It’s the key to a successful collaboration”.

How much time a day does Lazio take?

“My profession gives a lot but also takes a lot away. I notice it when I see my son. I started doing this job when he was two years old and now he’s almost a man like me. In these years, my presence has been a little weak and I am grateful to him, as well as to my wife, because they understand what this profession requires”.

How is Igli Tare as a father?

“I’m not a strict or a stiff dad. Times have changed, I try to satisfy every need of my children”..

How did you grow up?

My dad woke us up every day at 6.30 to do gymnastics. In the difficult moments of my life it has helped me a lot”.

Did you have any player poster up in your room as a kid?

“I didn’t have any. However, at the time I was a great admirer of the Milan and the Dutch, that of Sacchi, Van Basten, Gullit and Rijkaard. I grew up having Van Basten as an idol “.

Any problems for you?

“I always feel like a stranger in Italy because there’s no place like your native country”.

On Albania:

“One of my dreams is to come back to Albania one day and contribute to the growth of my country’s football, but at the moment it is a very distant thing, to get back there it must be adequate conditions, which Albania is still far from now, I would jeopardize everything I’ve done here, but I’d like to do it as a personal challenge”.

Tare also made it clear what his biggest goal is and also spoke about a family taboo:

“The biggest result I can reach for Lazio is the Champions League. The only thing I can’t accept is that my children would play for Roma. Being a laziale it is impossible”.