Stadio delle Aquile: Possible Locations For Lazio’s New Stadium

Stadio delle Aquile, Source- AMA Group

”We will build a new stadium before Roma”, were the words of Lazio President Claudio Lotito in June 2018.

Possibly a way to attract media attention, there is no hiding his desire to build a stadium that can be the home of all Biancocelesti fans; it is a dream that can soon hopefully become a reality. 

According to Lazio focused radio station Radiosei, the area for construction of the Stadio delle Aquile still remains to be on Lotito’s land by the Via Tiberina. However, areas near Fiumicino and Guidonia have also been mentioned as possible alternatives. 

However, one real question remains: when will Lazio and Lotito be allowed to move from just words and put this project into action?

Tags Aquile Claudio Lotito Fiumicino Guidonia Lazio Lotito Stadio delle Aquile Tiberina Via Tiberina