Felipe Anderson: “Inzaghi played others in my position, I was really happy for the opportunity to join West Ham”

Felipe Anderson in a Press Conference for West Ham, Source- Getty Images

Felipe Anderson left Lazio this summer to join Premier League side West Ham. It was a total transaction of about 37 million euros, which supported the player’s desire to try a new experience abroad – an experience in which he is backing himself to deliver.

To the microphones of The Guardian, the Brazilian said “People say I have the capability to be a protagonist in whichever team I play for and I believe that,” says Felipe Anderson, speaking through an interpreter. “My game is dribbling but I also want to concentrate on the team aspects of the game, whether that be marking or regaining possession. I want to do whatever is necessary for the team but then also to stand out in my own right.”

To the microphones Felipe Anderson also talked about his last season at Lazio, where he did not get continuous playing time: “I was out injured and the team did well without me”, he says, matter-of-factly, of his final year in Rome. “When I came back to fitness and then found my form the manager chose to stick with those who he had trusted in my absence and I understood that. But when I had the chance to come here I was really happy for the opportunity.”


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Tags Anderson Felipe Anderson Hammers Lazio west ham