To the microphones of Lazio Style Radio, Arturo Diaconale – the spokesman of Lazio – intervened to comment on the statements posed by Roma manager Claudio Ranieri at a press conference a few days ago.
“I believe that the League should intervene on this press conference and on Ranieri’s statements. The statements are serious and troublesome and arise from the confusion between being a fan and an employee: the fan can do and think what he believes, but an employee is a person who has a responsibility. The declarations of an employee, especially when so serious, must be at least supported by evidence. Otherwise, they become offensive to a club, like Lazio, who do not deserve them. Some biancocelesti fans have recently said that Roma had an easy life in the last two matches of the league, but none in the Lazio club would dream of saying such a thing”.
“The Roma manager cannot mix these two roles, so he made statements as a fan and not as a responsible manager. This is something the League has to deal with, Lazio cannot accept receiving offenses that it does not deserve. The Biancocelesti, on Sunday, will put forth everything they have, no one must doubt it. We do not give up anything and we fight with the utmost determination. We will do our part, they do theirs. This championship does not deserve to have the wells poisoned this way, Lazio has no interest in opening controversy with Roma. However, there are disputes and tensions between supporters that can ruin the whole season. We must appeal to common sense and a sense of responsibility, experienced people should avoid making such mistakes, it needs more attention. We do not poison anything, but we want to defend our positions legitimately .