Lazio and the Coppa Italia, Source- SuperSport

Canigiani: “The Coppa Italia tour will start on Friday May 24th”

Lazio and the Coppa Italia, Source- SuperSport

Marco Canigiani, marketing manager at Lazio, spoke today to Lazio Style Radio about the tour dates of the Coppa Italia; this will be where Laziali will be able to touch and pose for pictures with the trophy.

We will start on Friday May 24th from Via Calderini. Then, we’ll be in Parco Leonardo on May 31st in Via Prenestina and in East Rome on June 1st and 2nd. Finally, we will then see the Macron Store in Piazza San Silvestro and the Valmontone outlet.

The retreat ahead of next season? We still have to verify all the situations, but I believe that soon, the announcement of the finalized dates will arrive. As for the season ticket campaign, instead, we are almost ready. Some legal issues remain to be resolved.

The BusInsieme initiative? We are happy with how it was received this season, also for the Coppa Italia final we have started using many vehicles. I am sure that we will start again with this project next year.

Tags Coppa Italia Lazio Marco Canigiani