Lazio and Manuel Lazzari have never been so close. On Friday there was a meeting between the sports directors of the two clubs to find an agreement. The distances have been reduced, now the negotiation is being defined. The Spal asks 10 million and ownership over Alessandro Murgia (estimated value between 6 and 7 million), Lazio instead offers nine million in addition to the midfielder. The will of the player, however, will make the difference and in the next few hours the operation will be defined. Between Lazzari and the biancoceleste club there is already an agreement based on a five-year 1.3 million plus bonus. Lazzari wants Lazio and has made it clear to the Ferrara managers. The closing of the negotiation should between Monday and Tuesday. The Spal will get nine million cash and will have Alessandro Murgia in full, Lazio for its part should instead maintain a sort of right to buy Murgia back that is valid for two years and at set at 12 million euros. An option that gives priority to Lazio in the case of similar offers from other clubs. The last details will be filed in these hours. Inzaghi had put Lazzari at the top of the wish list, so much that he had two long phone calls with him to tell him about the Lazio project, to make him understand how important he was in the 2019-2020 biancoceleste chessboard. Lotito and Tare have moved strongly in the last ten days, relations with Spal are excellent, on both sides there has always been the intention to arrive at white smoke in the shortest possible time. Lazzari’s absence at the event organized by the Spal’s Curva Ovest on Friday was an important clue. In the last hours there has been the decisive acceleration.
Source: LaLazioSiamoNoi