National Amateur League President Sibilia: “Very Difficult Situation, Some Promises Have Not Been Kept”

Cosimo Sibilia, the President of the National Amateur League (Lega Nazionale Dilettanti), commented about the current situation regarding amateur football to TuttoMercatoWeb. Sibilia talked about his meetings with the Italian Minister for Sport (Vincenzo Spadafora) and the future of the amateur leagues.

I have met with the Minister several times, even before the start of summer. I have received economic promises, but those did not materialize. There was even a talk to receive €400 million for the entire branch of amateur sport. But until now, beyond the announcements, there has not been any finalized deal…

Sibilia is disappointed about the current situation of amateur sports in Italy and states that they are in financial difficulty.

These battles with the Government have been upsetting. The problem, however, is as follows: we are in a situation of absolute difficulty, it is useless to hide it. The real problem is that we will likely have to use money out of our own pockets to be able to move forward…