Comitato Consumatori Lazio

Lawyer Mignogna Announces That AGCOM Will Examine the Media Attacks on Lazio

The Comitato Consumatori Lazio (Lazio Consumer Committee), led by Italian Lawyer Gian Luca Mignogna, has announced that the Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (Authority for Communications Guarantees) will examine their complaints against the media; specifically La Gazzetta dello Sport, the Cairo Communication Group and a few RAI television productions (90° Minuto, La Domenica Sportiva and Quelli che il Calcio).

This is a result of their constant ill-mannered attacks on S.S. Lazio; the Consumer Committee opened up proceedings against these aforementioned companies as they want to prevent the club’s brand and image from being tarnished and devalued.

Within the Authority for Communication Guarantees is the Consiglio Nazionale degli Utenti (National Council of Users), which is composed of a group of (no more than 11) experts that are designated by the associations representing the various categories of users of telecommunications and radio and television services. This group expresses opinions and formulates proposals, while also promoting initiatives for discussion and debate on the issues they are presented with.

For the sake of a thorough investigation, the Lazio Consumer Committee requested that the Authority for Communication Guarantees transmit their complaints to several Provisional Departments of the Authority. This included the Direzione Contenuti Audiovisivi (Audiovisual Content Department), Direzione Infrastrutture e Servizi Media (Infrastructure and Media Services Department) and the Direzione Tutela dei Consumatori (Consumer Protection Department).

Therefore, the media attacks are currently under investigaton by the AGCM (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato; Italian Competition Authority), Consob (Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa; The Italian Companies and Exchange Commission) and AGCOM (Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni; Authority for Communications Guarantees)

Tags AGCM AGCOM Authority for Communications Guarantees Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni Comitato Consumatori Lazio Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa Consob Gian Luca Mignogna Italian Competition Authority Lazio Consumer Committee Mignogna The Italian Companies and Exchange Commission