Lazio Coach Simone Inzaghi: “Unusual Derby Against Roma Without the Fans”

Lazio coach Simone Inzaghi discussed tomorrow’s Derby della Capitale against Roma when speaking to gathered reporters in a press conference earlier today. His words were collected by Italian media outlet La Lazio Siamo Noi.

We all know what a derby represents here in Rome, both teams are in danger. For us it’s very important, we need to follow up on the two wins we’ve had.

He commented on how the Biancocelesti have performed well in the big matches this season.

That’s what the season says, the team have always done well in certain games. I’ve seen the guys’ eyes, they know it’s a very important game.

It will be an unusual derby, without the fans, but they will be with us with their hearts. The same heart that we’ll have to put into the match.

The 44-year-old Italian coach spoke about what type of game Lazio would be looking to play.

We know Roma, they’re a very good team, they’re doing well and they have a coach I respect a lot. They’ve got some great individuals, I don’t think Lazio are any less good.

We will have to keep running, have aggression and determination, there must be zero errors in these games. We have to limit their most important players.

Inzaghi discussed if he was approaching this game as a ‘normal’ derby or as a Champions League clash.

We’re preparing for it down to the last detail, we’re doing well, as they must be doing.

We’ve had a couple more days than usual to prepare for it, we’ll have to pay attention to the two halves, when we have the ball and when Roma have it.

The Lazio coach touched on the return of Bosnian veteran Senad Lulic, who has been absent for almost an entire calendar year.

We’re all happy with Lulic, he’s our captain, he was out for 11 months, he suffered a lot. He’s much better, he’s coming back in the best possible way.

He’s a point of reference for everyone in the dressing room and I hope he can make a contribution on the pitch tomorrow.

There’s today’s training session, a short one tomorrow morning, then I’ll choose the best line-up.

He highlighted how much of an impact the absence of fans makes on the Biancocelesti.

A lot, as it has weighed since the post Covid-19 era. Together with the fans we were a winning combination, the others are in the same situation, but I have players who would need their fans.

We have to get used to it, football has changed for us and the other teams.

He spoke about if a third win in a row could be a turning point for Lazio’s season.

It would be very important for motivation, although we have to look at it game by game. We know what kind of game we’ll have to play tomorrow, we haven’t won three games in a row so far.

Finally, Inzaghi discussed if the point gap between Lazio and Roma in the league table is as a result of injuries and the differences between the Champions League and Europa League.

That’s hard to say, we’ve played in the Europa League and the Champions League, there’s a big difference in how we prepare for games, the Champions League games are more demanding.

Tomorrow Cataldi and Fares won’t be there, between today and tomorrow we’ll go up with Correa to see how he feels.

Yesterday Luis Alberto and Immobile worked partially in the group, but I have good news, I think they will be available tomorrow.

Roma are currently third in Serie A after 17 games, sitting on 34 points, six ahead of Lazio who sit 8th.

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Tags Biancocelesti giallorossi Inzaghi Italy Lazio Roma Serie A Simone Inzaghi