FIGC President Gabriele Gravina

FIGC President Gravina: “Objectively Impossible to See Lazio Play Torino Today”

FIGC president Gabriele Gravina stressed the importance of following the anti-Covid protocols when speaking about Lazio’s Serie A clash against Torino this evening.

Speaking at the ‘’Spallanzani’’ event in Rome this morning (via La Lazio Siamo Noi), he touched on how to solve the situation currently affecting the Torino squad and their eligibility to face Lazio this evening.

If we come out respecting the principles of the protocol. A very clear ‘gentlemen agreement’ that regulates the relationship related to the sports competition.

And then there is another principle, which is the protection of health, which is obviously superordinate and within the competence of the individual Local Health Authority.

He touched on any advice he would give to Lega Serie A.

I don’t have to give any advice. They have the capacity and the delegation to manage sports competition. They have all the elements to take the right decision.

I believe that today there is an objective impossibility, based on the requirements of the Local Health Authority of Turin, in being able to assume that the match will be played today.

Obviously, they will then have to think about the positioning of the schedule, which is particularly busy.

The FIGC number one spoke about if the Juventus v Napoli situation has created a precedent.

It has nothing to do with the ruling of the Guarantee Committee. They are two quite different situations. Here we have with certainty the identification of a provision of the Local Health Authority of Turin, which is not the last minute.

And in the face of a very clear rule of our sports regulations, it is clear that the match cannot be played. If someone tries to violate that kind of prescription, they would also incur criminal sanctions.

Finally, Gravina spoke about the possibility of this summer’s European Championships being held in a single set of stadiums, rather than across the continent.

Absolutely unfounded at the moment. We are convinced that we will catch up in terms of vaccination policy. We have assurances from UEFA, a continuous and constant confirmation from them that the European Championship will be held as it was originally planned.

At the beginning of April, we will have a meeting with all the federations, and we will discuss the possibility of continuing with the project that has already been created. We are confident, and UEFA continues to ask for reports on the continuation of the work.

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Tags Biancocelesti COVID-19 FIGC Gabriele Gravina Gravina Italy Lazio Serie A Torino