Lazio President Claudio Lotito and Mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi

Mayor of Rome Raggi: “Lazio’s Ciro Immobile Is an Example for Young People”

Mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi presented Lazio striker Ciro Immobile with his European Golden Boot award earlier today in Rome.

Speaking at the ceremony at Campidoglio (via La Lazio Siamo Noi), Raggi spoke highly of the 31-year-old Italian striker.

Today is an important moment, we had to wait, we would have liked it to be a moment for everyone but unfortunately the emergency we are experiencing does not allow us to do so. Fortunately, however, with technology we can enter every home and be followed by everyone.

I thank Lazio President Lotito and coach Inzaghi, who is leading the team in an excellent way. Today, in the Giulio Cesare Hall, we are presenting the Golden Boot to Ciro Immobile, Europe’s top scorer for the 2019/2020 season. An award for a champion in sport and in life.

Together with Ciro there is also his family, to whom I extend a special greeting. This is an award that repays the many sacrifices of a boy who started playing at the age of 4 in his hometown of Torre Annunziata, and then arrived in the capital, in Lazio.

She highlighted how the Biancocelesti star is an example for young people in Italy.

His experience is an example for all youngsters, a sign that with commitment and will, you can achieve great results. This recognition is also for all the youngsters who dream of becoming like Immobile and for all his fans.

Obstacles and falls are part of the road to success, and today we must offer all children virtuous examples, like Ciro’s. This award goes beyond numbers, it is a sign that with commitment we can achieve great results.

This award goes beyond numbers, it is for a fair and selfless player, who always uses balanced tones and who off the field is a simple person. I would also like to underline his generosity, as he auctioned off some of his shirts for the Bambino Gesù hospital.

Finally, Raggi spoke highly of Lazio as a club.

This victory has a special meaning for the whole city and Italy, bringing back the trophy after so many Spanish victories. This is also thanks to the team and to a club that is working to achieve important goals.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remember the passing of Arturo Diaconale, a great man and journalist who we all miss. Special praise to the club for founding S.S. Lazio 1900, which has a role dedicated to social work, the best way to enhance sport and its principles.

Finally, I say thank you to Ciro for all the emotions he has given us and for the goals we will score in the future.

MORE: Lazio Striker Immobile’s Agent Sommella: “Golden Boot Is the Crowning Achievement”

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Tags Biancocelesti Ciro Immobile European Golden Boot Golden Boot immobile Italy Lazio Raggi Serie A Virginia Raggi