Lawyer Mignogna: “Lazio Could Still Be Awarded a 3-0 Default Win Against Torino”

Gian Luca Mignogna

Italian lawyer Gian Luca Mignogna thought that Lazio had a chance to win their appeal for a 3-0 default win over Torino in court.

Speaking in an interview with Italian radio broadcaster Radio Incontro Olympia (via earlier today, the lawyer first spoke about the Super League.

It’s clear that Lazio-Genoa is a match that awakens certain feelings that are necessarily linked to the 1915 Scudetto.

With a bit of bitterness, I have to say that the Super League has always existed, otherwise we would not still be talking about the claim, which with the evidence that has been brought to light for some time should already have had the epilogue of the ex aequo.

Unfortunately, the problem is systemic, the lords of football historically tend to favour certain situations, forcing even our coach Inzaghi to retaliate very effectively.

With the launch of pay TV, the distance between big and small clubs has been consolidated, even though a statistic on Milano e Finanza showed that 60% of teenagers no longer consider football a primary leisure activity.

The passion for football in the new generations must be cultivated, otherwise downsizing will be inevitable.

There is a need to arrive at a cultural reform, to put sporting culture, that of merit and justice back in the foreground, so that we can rekindle the passion of young people and restore sustainability and economic solidity to clubs.

Mignogna then discussed Lazio’s appeal to the CONI Collegio di Garanzia for a 3-0 default win over Torino.

The Lazio-Torino issue is still very much open.

I believe that Lazio before the Collegio di Garanzia will invoke an institution that is that of the disapplication of the administrative act, this rule indicates that when an administrative act could be flawed (i.e. the Local Health Authority’s decision to extend Torino’s quarantine) or illegitimate, it cannot be annulled but disapplied by the ordinary judge for the individual case.

If the Collegio di Garanzia were to deem illegitimate the measure that postponed Torino’s quarantine by 24 hours, then it could be disapplied and a 3-0 win could be awarded.

Judge Sandulli has also underlined that Torino’s behaviour was not very clear, there has been talk of “scoundrels” and the sentence to be issued could be married with the principle of the disapplication of the administrative act and the consequent victory for the table.

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