Immobile and Quagliarella at Centro Tecnico Federale di Coverciano on March 18, 2019 in Florence, Italy.

Duel Between Immobile & Quagliarella in Lazio vs Sampdoria

Immobile and Quagliarella at Centro Tecnico Federale di Coverciano on March 18, 2019 in Florence, Italy.

Ciro Immobile and Fabio Quagliarella are preparing for battle in Lazio’s next Serie A game against Sampdoria.

The upcoming match between the Biancocelesti and the Blucerchiati on Saturday evening will not just be about the Roman club’s bid for European qualification and the Ligurian side’s work to avoid relegation, but it’ll also play host to a duel between two Serie A hit men.

As highlighted by LazioNews24, Sampdoria is one of Immobile’s favourite clubs to play against; the Lazio star has scored 15 goals in 17 games against them, something which he hopes to add to on Saturday. Immobile also overtook Quagliarella in the Serie A all-time top scorer list.

In contrast, Quagliarella has scored eight goals in 30 appearances against the Biancocelesti, and a goal on the weekend could be the most important of these; the 39-year-old Italian’s contract expires with Sampdoria at the ned of this season and he’s keen to secure a one-year renewal, so he’s desperate to impress in a big game.

Tags Biancocelesti Ciro Immobile Fabio Quagliarella immobile Italy Lazio Lazio Sampdoria Lazio vs Sampdoria Quagliarella Rome Sampdoria Sampdoria vs Lazio Serie A