Vincenzo Spadafora

Italian Minister for Sport Vincenzo Spadafora
Italian Minister for Sport Spadafora: “Serie A Needs Help, Reorganization Is Necessary”
The Italian Minister for Sport, Vincenzo Spadafora, recently spoke about his desire to help each sporting league in an interview on Rai...
Italian Minister for Sport Vincenzo Spadafora
Italian Minister for Sport Spadafora Proposes Tax Exemption for Those Working in Sports
Italian Minister for Sport Vincenzo Spadafora announced on Facebook today that he plans to propose a tax exemption for those who work in...
Cosimo Sibilia
National Amateur League President Sibilia: “Very Difficult Situation, Some Promises Have Not Been Kept”
Cosimo Sibilia, the President of the National Amateur League (Lega Nazionale Dilettanti), commented about the current situation regarding amateur football to TuttoMercatoWeb....
Gian Luca Mignogna
Gian Luca Mignogna: “The 2019/20 Serie A Season Must Resume”
On May 4, 2020, the ‘Comitato Consumatori Lazio‘ (Lazio Consumers Committee) created an online petition named “COVID-19 | FOOTBALL AND THE EMPLOYMENT IT...